Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Losing Control, Never Felt So Good.

Hello my name is Maegan -- and I am a recovering control freak! You see some people would classify me as Type A -- I am super organized, detail-oriented, love to plan ahead, make lists, fill in calendars/planners. I know – sounds pathetic, but seriously I have been this way since birth. My mom will tell you as a child I would intricately plan all of my birthday parties and as soon as one was over, I would start planning the next one (a year in advance). As a young adult the desire to plan and control continued – I studied and worked hard, received multiple degrees, got a good job, married my high school sweet heart, bought a house, and so on and so forth. And through all of these big milestones, I for some reason thought I was in control of my own destiny. I mean society teaches us that you have to take your fate in your hands own hands and it’s your responsibility to make the most of your life. I am a Christ follower and ultimately knew deep down inside that these blessings were from God, not by anything that I deserved -- but still in some convoluted way thought I had some part in the equation. And through a series of events in my life with friends and family – tragic deaths, terminal diagnoses, broken friendships, lost jobs, and more – I started to realize that control over my life was just an illusion. And quite honestly all the planning and attempts to control life are just a distraction from God himself.

The moment I really questioned my ability to control – is when I entered into motherhood. Have you ever tried to talk a two year old off the ledge of an absolute meltdown? Well if so, you know that you are NOT in control. Trust me -- my kids have had lots of explosive moments in public despite my wishes. And thankfully I love them unconditionally despite their tantrums and irrational behavior at times. Last October I hosted a cabin with a good friend at a women’s retreat produced by Hill Country Bible Church. The topic for the weekend was CONTROL. Ummm excuse me, was this curriculum written just for me specifically? It sure felt like it! The whole weekend was a bit of an eye opener. I had never really thought of my desire to control as a SIN, but by golly it is! Thankfully Ephesians 2:8 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” I was surrounded by some of my favorite working moms throughout the retreat and was able to process all of God’s truth shared at the conference.

Shortly after this retreat, my husband was offered a job in San Antonio – which would mean moving our little family of four to a new city. EKKK! I wasn’t sure how I felt about this. I loved our neighborhood in Austin, our beautiful home, our life there and the deep community that we had built over the last three years. It was a BIG decision, but my husband and I committed to his leadership of our family -- living by faith not by sight. This basically meant that I had to step back (let go of control), so my husband could step up and lead our family as God had called him to do. OMGoodness this was so scary for me. I am so thankful for my close friends who are such strong women of faith – they were there for me to vent to, process this and ultimately speak truth to me through scripture for the last year. One day I was listening to K-Love while I was driving home from the office and heard Casting Crowns, Just be Held -- “When you're on your knees and answers seem so far away, You're not alone, stop holding on and just be held. Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place. I'm on the throne, stop holding on and just be held.” God has a funny way of speaking to us sometimes, but this was a direct message from above. He took the job and we started the process of buying and selling homes to make this transition. I will spare you ALL the painful details, but was shown once again that I was NOT in control and that God truly is. We eventually sold our home in Austin and just made the move to New Braunfels this summer. It has been such a blessing in more ways than one – and we are looking forward to this new chapter in our lives.

Life is full of good times and bad – it is important to find joy in all of it. And also to take a hard look at how God is using your circumstance to draw you into a closer relationship with Him. For my fellow believers we can rest assure because the scripture says in Romans 8:28, “… for those who love God all things work together for good… The moral of the story is – God has you exactly where he wants you. And trying to control what happens in this life is just unproductive on SO many levels. Time and time again God has shown me that His plan is better -- Jeremiah 28:11 says, For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

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